Symptoms (Symptom) is indicated by changes in vegetation due tothe presence of disease.
The sign is the identification of disease in addition to the reactionof host plant parasites mmisal tubh fruit, mycelium, slime, sporecolor.
• Local symptoms are symptoms that are limited to certain areassuch as leaf spot, leaf rust, discoloration and others.
• Systemic symptoms are present in the whole body of plants such as wilting, stunted.
• Symptoms are subtle because of the influence of certaincircumstances of disease symptoms will disappear or not show upanymore.
The primary symptoms are symptoms that occur in the affected areas by pathogens
Secondary symptoms are symptoms that occur elsewhere on theplant as a result of damage caused by the primary symptom.
Type of symptoms according to changes in cell
1. Symptoms of damage or necrotic cell death
2. Hypoplastic symptom is due to obstructed or cessation of cell growth (under development)
3. Symptoms are due to hyperplastic growth of cells that are more than usual (over-development)
Signs or macroscopic appearance of pathogens or their organsmore important role than the symptoms
These signs are limited to fungi and bacteria:
1. mycelium
Certain fungi form a mycelium or house spider
2. rust
Layer of flour or brown spots on the surface of tumb, becauseuredospora
3. flour
Powdery white layer consisting of mycelium and spores / konidiumfungi. Eg powdery mildew (powdery mildew) and a layer of fluffywhite (Downy mildew)
4. black fungus
Often called soot diseases (sooty molds) that form a black layer
5. scorched
Usually fire attacked by fungi, eg sugar cane shoots attacked byUstilago scitaminea
6. white pox
White pox on kale or cabbage
7. ter spotting
Layers like drops of tar on the leaf surface
8. fruiting body
Basiodokarp fruiting body or, in fomes lignosus, Ganoderma,Rigidiporus
9. Sklerotium
10. slime bacteria
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